Monday, October 19, 2009

We are looking for unemployed and struggling single mothers

These are challenging times.

Women all over the country are clamoring for resources to assist in pursuing their dream.

Single Mom Ventures is an original forum where real, single mothers from all over the country, get together and discuss discuss important (and yes, relevent) everyday issues) shair their daily, no-holds-barred opinion about life, careers, business and friends!

If you are an unemployed single mother who is overwhelmed with bills, family and life challenges, we're here to help.

Our forums are interactive and you are encouraged to participate and take on an active role in one of our monthly Single Mom Discussions as they are broadcast LIVE all over the country.

Once a month, the most proactive single mother will be featured on the site as we closely monitor your progress week by week, backed up by panel of experts who can provide you with the resources you need to get your life back on track.

Sign up now. There's no catch. Membership is free.